Jesus. The Cross. and Me.

Who is Jesus?

What is the Cross all about?

How do we fit into it all?

In this book we will discuss those very questions and more.

As a people, as a church, and as Christians we must get back to realizing how important it is to focus on our relationship with Jesus!
If we don’t, if we lose that, we stand to lose everything.

We must understand specifically who He truly is and what it means to have a relationship with Him.

And that’s my goal with this book. I want to help us, to help you get to a place where we can know and understand the importance of who Jesus is and why He loves us so much. I want to help the church have a better relationship with Him so we can be a better example of who He is to those around us.

Here’s what selected readers had to say…

  • “Jesus. The Cross. and Me.
    A book to remind you of what it is really all about.”

  • “A concise and commanding treatise on your walk with Christ. The real Christ. Not the one in your head.”

  • “Great information that effectively brings one back to the power and simplicity of Christ and His purpose.”

  • “Unwaveringly evangelistic and unapologetically personal. Easy and enjoyable read.”